Tuesday, February 12, 2008

School? Class? hmm...well>>>>>>

So far, this year has been flying by faster then Ravi Shankar on his magic carpet. I have to give thanks to my History of Rock and Roll class. Before this year, when somebody would ask me, "so, whats your favorite class in school?", I would always give them a dirty look like, and say to myself "why the hell did you ask me that?". I would always tell them history was, which was true, but it was the least crappiest class out of all the crappy classes. The first half of this year, I took History of Rock and Roll. Now, that was the best class ever! I mean, come on! Whats a better way then to chill out in class, and listen to Rock for the whole period. Damn do I miss that class! We started out with the roots of Rock and blues and worked all the way to The Beatles and Woodstock. We even got some chemistry in their, learning about the LSD chemists. Imagine being at the Monterey Pop Festival or at Woodstock! Just chillin for a couple days, listening to rock day and night. These events brought out some of the best bands in history. Plus, everybody was doing drugs so, it was one of the most peaceful places to be. I dont know, It must of been the shit growing up watching these bands emerge. The only thing that pissed me off in the class was that we never got to Van Halen! Panama! Jump! Ha! SO GOOD! 1984! (Completely recommend clicking on the Panama link, enjoy!!!!!) Damn do I miss the class! Oh well, doin the blogs are pretty sweet in place. Just another great chapter to my life. It was truely my favorite class in my schooling career. See you in Panama!


Ellis Island said...

i didn't even know we had that class! it sounds like fun. i love the beatles and van halen :]

tickled pink said...

OMG i love rock well classic rock anyway its like all i listen to i love van halen btw led lepplin, tom petty hes my fav i love the refugee one of my all time fav songs i wish i had taken that class it sounds like fun =]