Thursday, February 21, 2008

This Crazy World...

I turned on the news earlier today and found that the U.S. embassy was on fire in Kosovo. At first, I was just like "those bastards again?". But I kept watchin and I saw these protesters lighting buildings on fire and throwin shit at the military vehicles (6:40). It was fucking crazy! I guess the serbians were pissed of because there country branched off for independence, but the citizens didnt want that so they got pissed off and showed a little anger. I thought it was entertaining watching those badasses jump on the military vehicles and the trucks started driving to get the people off the windshield. But it wasn't cool what they did to our place. There was also a charred body in our embassy. The U.S. isn't to happy because Russia wasn't for the independence and they may have encouraged the protests. The Russians are starting to piss me off a little bit,not just because of this protest but also, they weren't to happy with us shooting down the satellite. China also. They thought we might of been making an excuse to maybe shooting down one of there satellites. I dont like the Russians. There a bunch of winers and they need to chill out. The Chinese to, there taking all of our damn jobs! But we need to keep peace with Russia and China or they could fuck us over later in the future!

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