Friday, February 15, 2008


Before I go to bed, I sometimes think about our afterlife. Where we headen? Where we going, how're we getting their? I think when we get up to heaven, will get in a line and some dude will be at the gate looking at a scroll with all of the crap we did in our life. Ha, I cant wait until he sees all of the stuff i've done. I always wonder what its gonna look like when we get inside the joint. Maybe its just like down here, i hope not! It would be sweet if their could be like a teleportal for everybody up their so you can go anywhere you want in any time period. I would want to go to the past and go to some hardcore concerts like in the 70's and 80's. Damn that would be awesome. When were up their, maybe we can ask for something and it will appear magically in front of us. I would probably ask for a boat or something and just cruise wherever on the magical ocean. Everything would be free with like a palace for everyone. That would be the shit. Ha, you could invite John Lennon over for some coffee or a smoke and just play some music. We could talk about his peace movements and all the crazy shit he did. So awesome! It would be cool to meet George Harrison and listen to him play guitar. Who knows, i would be so pissed if we didnt go anywhere after we died!! Ha, i wouldnt know anyways. Damn, guess we'll have to wait and see!

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