Monday, February 18, 2008

Law Enforcement

The one thing in the news that pisses me off is all the crime and murder that happens in the nation and in the communties these days. Thats why I want to be a cop. I might be one up here or maybe down in the city but either way, I'm going to catch those hardasses. I want to help out the community by getting rid of those criminals. Now, I'm not going to be one of those jackass cops where they pull over somebody thats going like 4 mph over the speed limit. Thats fucked up. The one thing I hate, is when somebody tries to act like a badass in the wrong way. I think it would be sweet getting into one of those speed chases going after the asshole who won't stop. There isn't a chance in hell il let them get away. I cant imagine the adrenaline rush in one of those chases. You must feel good after catching the bastard. Ha, kind of reminds me of superbad after they catch old fag in the resturaunt, Ha! Then there's those drug labs. Like the meth labs, the people that are running those ass labs are just stupid. Meth can really screw you up and those people need to be found and thrown in jail. Also, cops arn't stuck in an office all the time. Your actually out doing something and helping out your town or city. It also keeps you in shape. Yea, it can be dangerous but some people have to do the job to keep society going. So, those badasses better watch out!


cip said...

Rambo as a cop? Isn't that a little bit violent? Well I'm game for a cop like that. Teach one criminal a lesson the hard way and the others might think before they try it next time.

missbrightside said...

This is the best blog to picture match yet.

Superbad owns, as do you!


Cameron said...

Colin, you would definately be exactly like the cops in Superbad. I absolutely love that movie!!!