Saturday, March 1, 2008

Things I Have To Do Before I Die...

I think people today are really working to hard with their jobs. Most people today are to worried about getting lots of money and not on the simple and fun aspects to life. You only live once and you are going to die! Yea, you have to work to make a living, but you dont have to be those dumbasses working 4 hours overtime every night. Is it worth the time? Do you want to take the train that wears you out and you dont have time for any fun, or do you want to take the train where you work enough to have a good life and have plenty of time to have fun. Enjoy Life! Here's some of the few things that I AM going to do before I die.

- Alright, sweet! I AM going to get a sailboat and go sailing in the Caribbean. I'm going to go find a small, inhabited (unless there're only native chicks with grass skirts and coconut bra's, Damn!), enchanted, great ass island and stay on it for a couple of nights. It will be a great experience just crappin in sand holes and kicken back on the beach watchin the waves. If there's native chicks, well, um, we'll chill out and maybe play a game of twister.

- Next, I AM going to take a huge shit in a volcano. I'll go to an Asian island where there's a volcano. I'll hire a chink to guide me up to that molten spitting machine. When we get to the top, il hand the chink a rope and il extend my ass over the edge while hanging on to the rope, and take my huge fat deuce. Then, me and my chink friend will have a victory cigar afterwards. If you think this is disgusting, then you have never experienced the great taste of accomplishment.

-hmm.... I AM going to get into a bear fight. I dont know when, but it's going to happen. Im going to take a nice hike to a bear community and make fun of a bear. He'll get pissed, and we'll go at it. I will take a few extra lumberjacks just in case I get to carried away, but doubt they will be needed.

- I AM going to go to one of those hardcore truckstop diners out in the west. You know in movies, they sometimes have those badass trucker diners in the middle of the desert with like the most dirty waitress. Well fuck, I'm going to one. It would just be sweet to have a breakfast in one. When you look in the menu, you find the smallest breakfast is the 8 egg, 10 pancake, 2 ilb hashbrown stack muffler deluxe. And then their would be a section which has like 4 eggs, and 7 pancakes for the little drivers. I bet there's a fight in there every 5 minutes. I wouldn't go if you didn't have a beard or they would probably take you outside and just piss all over you. This is probably true.

- I AM going to go to the mexican-US border and kick some mexican ass. I'm going to chill on the border and wait for some Mexican assholes. I'm gonna hide in a tumbleweed and wait for those assholes to come on through and then!! BAM! Il jump them. I dont care if this is illegal or not but I want those bastards to stay out! I'l chase them through desert and kick their ass. There is no fucking way that they're getting away from me. I might get Frito to help me out. When we catch them, were going to make them sit on a cactus, and make them piss on an electrical fence.

- I AM going to bungy jump from the highest cliff in the world. I dont know where it is, or its even been found, but it will be found and done by Rambo!

- This is the only one I'm not sure about. There is a 90% chance that I will climb mount Everest. I'm going to hire a bunch of chinese/Scandanavian (Vikings)/eskimos and other people on this great and famous hike. People will die, but people will live. Most likely, the chinese will die, but, its genetics. This will be a historic day. For shelter, we'll have the eskimo's build igloos. We will have ax tosses and log tosses and mountain goat hunts on our free time. When we get to the top of that ball bursting mountain. We'll sled our way down the mountain. It will be a bumpy ride, but it will be worth it!!

What will you do with your exciting life?


Colin Rambo! said...

Looking back, i think i might be swearing a little to much!

ilove64crayons said...

I think you have your work cut out for you but I'm pretty sure that you can do this...the mount Everest one might be a little tricky but I'm sure the might rambo can handle it. I'm not sure what I want to do. I don't want it planned. It should just happen.

tash's scene said...

WOW!! All those sound insane but, sweet!! You're going to have a great time before you die!! :) I would love to hear how all that goes! haha And, I kind of have a list of things to do before I die... Maybe I should post about it! haha

Colin Rambo! said...

Ha, definitly!

MemphisKell said...

Mr. Rambo, You do cuss a lot, but I'm more concerned about your grammar. Watch out for "there," "they're" and "their." I'm only telling you this so that you can make sure the rest of the pirates speak properly on board ship. No dumb pirates!

I'm going to Hawaii this summer. I'll send you a picture of Kilauea. I hope you don't burn yourself.

You know, when Mark Twain first went to Hawaii (before he was married), he was enamored with the beautiful island girls. He wrote an article about how he went to a beach and saw two native girls swimming naked in the ocean. He claims to have sat on their clothes, which were strewn about on the beach, to keep them from being blown away by the wind.

Colin Rambo! said...

Mark Twain was a good man!

Ellis Island said...

Sweet post. I want to do SOME of the stuff you said. But i do really want to climb mount everest. I just think that would be the funnest adventure ever. Let's see...bungee jumping is a must! Finding some island would be fun. I think it would be awesome to just drive. Like, no intention of going to a certain place, just driving and being spontaneous. Oh and another would be scary, but before I die, I want to get into a shark fight, and I want to punch it in the nose. I think it would be cool to live and tell that kind of story.

Cameron said...

I don't know if I should call you Colin Rambo or Colin Random after that post. I'm not sure if you'd be able to sled down Mount Everest, there might be too many cliffs. But,that would be one hell of a mountain to ski down.

Colin Rambo! said...

oh, it will be one hell of a sled ride my friend!