Monday, March 3, 2008

hmm.....High School?

Well, I honestly really don't know were this is gonna go, but, ha, it should be good! Hmm...I think I'm going to talk about some of the different High schools in the world. Lets start out with the kickass school up in the wild mountains of the eskimo tribes in Alaska. Their school is located on a huge glacier on top of a hill. In order to get to this education place, the little eskimos strap themselves tightly to a mountain goat, and the goat takes them to school. Its a really wild place! The teachers, or should I say chiefs, including chief Humpatree, chief Hardsquash and chief Fireballs. Now, in this school, their are only a few classes you are able to take including sex education, gym, and history of Rock and Roll and bear hunting. Let me tell ya, when I went up there for a bear hunt, these kids knew how to hunt and knew their music. This one little midget eskimo by the name, Randolph McCrackass was able to get a bear in no time! Damn was he good! Frito was impressed.
Up next, we have a high school over in a little place called Sandcheeks in Egypt! Now, these kids are badasses! Their school is actually on a sand dune in a camel community. All pharoahs and pharies get together in this camel place and they learn. For free time, they have camel races and they go to ancient ruins. While Frito was hunting some camels one day, I went with these badasses to the ruins. We went inside of this pyramid like structure and this one kid by the name of Sloppyfloppy Analmino decided to go off on his own without permission. Well, I followed this pharoah, and it turns out he was making out with some pharie, at least he left the group for a good reason. After I took a piss in the sandpile in the corner, I left to go see what Frito was up to.
Next, Im going to tell you where and how my own high school would function. I would have my high school in the wild and enchanted jungles of the Congo. Why you ask? The waterfalls! In my school, I would have PE (Personal Entertainment), Sex Education, Bear Hunting and Music Class, a beard growing class and some field trips. I would also ask John Rambo to come in and give some tips and demonstrations on how to hunt and live in the wild. Damn, this guy really knows how live! Damn! For a field trip, we would go down to a local tribal village and discover how long the natives beards were. Damn, you should see how long their beards are. Its outrageous, they could probably tie a square not around their ball sac. You think I'm kidding, well, go there for yourself and find out the experiences I went through. Then the students would do some dancin with the local belly dancers along with some Van Halen music. Their would be posters all over the school of bands from the blues days to the great ass beatles! Its a one and only school! And their is no toleration for badasses around John Rambo, because he will give you a first class ticket to the 2000 ft waterfall down bamboozle ave. So, I wouldn't pull any shit around guest speakers! I would maybe have Tony Seliga hook us up with some of his cousins over there for some demonstrations!


Ellis Island said...

Haha! Sounds like an awesome school! i especially love the waterfall location :]

ilove64crayons said...

well how the hell am I going to compete with that blog? I loved it though especially the music classes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boondock Saint said...

all i have to say
simply amazing...
im prbably dead now...
from laughter...
not even kidding...
longest post made by me?
i kicked a bears ass the other day...
but it was a baby polar bear...
sorry colin rambo i cant compete with you...

Boondock Saint said...

i cant spell =*(
its "probably"***

Colin Rambo! said...

Its alright boondock, its not a competition. Only for the bear!

Victoria said...

This is a great post. I would defintely go to your school.

ilove64crayons said...

I just realized the two camels goin at it on top of your post. I just wanted to comment on that.